Cool Stuff


Here are a few things you need to keep in mind in order to stay safe this summer.


Being a caregiver is a vital role. Here are our top caregiving tips we want to share with you!

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Today's blog looks at the influence of phone calls, texts, emails and video-calling on how some older people experience loneliness and isolation.


Read our top 5 blogs for stories and information about caregiving. They offer insight and support to those in many different situations.


Support worker etiquette advice from Rene, an ex-Caregiver now working as a Coordinator for Care on Call.

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We've just bid farewell to our Clinical Manager Judith - here, she shares her experience working at Care on Call.

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Staff member Karen A on her journey from client to caregiver.

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Silina W, one of our experienced caregivers, on her journey to Care on Call.


Staff member Stacey M on working as a bureau consultant in the aged care industry.


Here's a new online tool - Firstport's Accessible Day Out library - which helps Kiwis with disability find the perfect post-COVID outing!